Civil confirmations
Civil confirmation is a choice for young people who wish to linger at the crossroads before them and rejoice in their future. Civil confirmation comprises constructive classes and a grand ceremony.
For the first time we offer an online course in ENGLISH for 8th graders that want to do a civil confirmation but are not Icelandic speaking.
We will open up registration this fall!
Siðmennt's civil confirmation program aims to empower young people and prepare them for their future.
The courses are set to strengthen their self-image, encourage them to be open-minded and support the growth of a constructive mindset.
The confirmation is open to all teenagers – without regards to their country of origin, gender, sexuality, religion or other life philosophies. Neither the teenagers nor their parents or guardians are required to be members of Siðmennt. The age reference is 13-15 years old.

Civil confirmation: how does it work?
Humanistic confirmation classes
The confirmation programme consists of humanistic subjects that best suit the maturity level of teenagers, tailored to current events relevant to the teenager’s interests. The curriculum captures these subjects holistically through four phases portrayed as pillars, and guides the confirmands through the questions that arise during the classes.
Secular confirmation ceremony
After having taken the classes, the young adults celebrate their accomplishments with a grand ceremony. You can either choose a group ceremony or a personal one, where one of Siðmennt's celebrants gives a ceremony in the confirmands private home or party.
The cost of civil confirmations as of 2024*:
Afsláttur fyrir félaga í Siðmennt
You are not requried to be a member of Siðmennt to be able to signup for civil confirmation.
If you are, you will of course get a substantial discount of the price. The discount gets subtracted when you sign up for a course.
Siblings get 25% of their prices